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[E] MakeMeALiar
[E] MakeMeALiar
Enjin Archive
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over 9 years ago
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over 7 years ago
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Do I get to know when I'm being unbanned?
over 9 years ago
Alrighty then
over 9 years ago
I'm not trying to argue, or make things worse. I just honestly don't know what I did wrong.
over 9 years ago
I wasn't involved in the drama, I wasn't even in there most of the time. Just the one time you came in to talk to people, and even then I didn't say anything, never changed my name to something derogitory. I was banned for just being there in the channel...
over 9 years ago
============= Username Kqylq (I was banned on Teamspeak) When you were banned : 8/29/2015 Person who banned you: Jared Reason you were banned: "Keep your drama on your own Teamspeak" -Just like to state that if I was involved in the drama in any way, it was because I was trying to stop people from doing stupid things. I've never harrased any staff member, or any other player on that Teamspeak ever. Just because I knew parties that were involved doesn't mean I was. =============
over 9 years ago